Reading, Writing and Speaking & Listening are the three focus areas of Literacy. Children engage in a number of learning experiences throughout the teaching day that cover the three Literacy areas. The focus of each area (dimension) is outlined below:
This includes students understanding, interpreting, reflecting upon and enjoying written and visual print and non-print texts. It involves reading and viewing a wide range of text types such as, novels, short stories, poetry and plays as well as popular fiction and non fiction works. It also involves developing knowledge about a range of strategies that are used to improve reading fluency and comprehension of texts.
This involves students in the active process of planning, composing, editing and publishing a range of written texts for print, electronic media and performance. Students learn to use appropriate language for particular purposes or occasions, to express ideas, issues, arguments, events and emotions.
Students develop their knowledge about strategies for writing, spelling and the conventions of Australian English.
Writing is planned, taught and assessed using the Big Write and VCOP program. This program is based on the scientific elements that underpin progression in writing.
These are Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation. Whole school processes are clearly set out for each year level ensuring consistency in teaching these elements across the school.
Spelling is enhanced through the SMART spelling approach based on the research of Michelle Hutchison. The approach to spelling is explicitly and systematically taught concentrating on pattern and regularity whilst personalising spelling lists to each child’s point of need.
This is a whole school approach ensuring consistency and building upon students existing knowledge from year to year.
Speaking & Listening
This refers to the various formal and informal ways oral language is used to communicate. It involves the development and demonstration of knowledge about the appropriate oral language for particular audiences and occasions, including body language and voice.
It also involves the development of active-listening strategies and the understanding of different spoken texts including everyday communication, group discussion, formal presentations and speeches, storytelling and negotiating.