Positive and responsible student behaviour is essential to the smooth running of the school, to the achievement of optimal learning opportunities, and to the development of a supportive and cooperative school environment.
Vision Statement
Corporal punishment is not permitted at St Liborius.
We believe in the value of each person as a gift from God to be respected, celebrated, nurtured as individuals and supported in their achievements.We believe our school creates a sense of hope by being a positive and child safe place where children are happy and secure in their learning and development.
● To build a school environment based on positive behaviour, mutual respect and cooperation.
● To manage behaviour in a positive and professional manner.
● To establish appropriate consequences for student behaviour.
● Our school will develop a student infraction flowchart, which outlines amongst other things, agreed behavioural development and management strategies.
● Our behaviour expectations will place significant emphasis on the development and recognition of positive behaviours.
● Student individual academic reports will include details regarding student behavioural achievement.
● Peer mediation and peer counselling will be key strategies employed to guide and develop student behaviour.
● Each class will develop a Class Charter outlining how we wish to feel when at school.
● We will provide a wide range of positive extra-curricula activities for students including sporting, theatrical, leadership, community service and appropriate leisure pursuits.
● Positive student behavioural achievement will be appropriately recognised.
● An up-to-date database of student behaviour will be maintained.
● All staff will undertake professional development on student behaviour and discipline management.
● The school curriculum will include units on resilience, peer pressure, positive choices, bullying, conflict resolution and leadership.
● Students experiencing difficulty achieving positive behavioural outcomes will undertake individualised behaviour management plans. Staff are informed of these plans.
● Ongoing inappropriate behaviour will involve consequences including counselling, withdrawal, loss of privileges or suspension.
● Parents will be kept informed, and actively encouraged to assist in the development of their children’s behavioural choices.
Procedures to follow:
Follow the Behaviour Infraction flow chart.
Complete behaviour tracking on SIMON (School intranet).
Ensure communication with classroom teacher.
Inform parents/guardian where appropriate.
Follow up with consequences and support.