Enrolment Information

2025 Enrolments

We have created a comprehensive site that highlights the curriculum and community of St. Liborius, which can be viewed by selecting the
link below.
St. Liborius Enrolment information


Please email admin@sleaglehawk.catholic.edu.au for any enrolment enquiries.


Enrolments for the following year are taken from May onwards after advertisements in the local paper, Sunday Parish Bulletins, local kindergartens and school newsletter. If places are available, the school will accept non-catholic children and children from other areas when their parents genuinely desire a Christian Education Enrolment.


Only children who will be five years of age on or before April 30th of the year they commence Preparatory may be enrolled. Birth Certificates, Immunisation and Baptism Certificates (if applicable) are to be presented upon enrolment.

Transition Program

A comprehensive transition program between kindergarten and school is offered to all children before commencing. Non-Catholic children are welcome to attend St Liborius on the understanding that they support the Catholic ethos of the school.

How to Enrol

Parents wishing to enrol children in the school may obtain an enrolment form from the School Office, call 03 5446 9172.

Application Process

Applications are assessed according to the school enrolment policy and parents and child are then invited to attend an interview with the Principal.

Parents are notified in writing of the outcome of their application. Appropriate orientation sessions and invitations are then extended to new parents.
