Uniform Shop
The uniform shop is run by volunteers who are responsible for the ordering and selling of school uniforms, both new and second-hand. Currently, the hours of operation are Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9.00 to 10.00.
How to order:
The uniform shop is open Wednesday and Thursday mornings, and orders are made online through Flexischools.com.au. Uniform options and prices can be viewed through this app.
Tuck Shop
St. Liborius is very keen to make sure that our students have access to nutritional and healthy items in our Tuckshop. We are realistic in providing children with their favourites while also ensuring that they receive a healthy balance.
Items are selected very carefully so that excessive amounts of sugar, fat and salt are not promoted. In classrooms students are also taught about dental health, a balanced diet, nutrition etc.
How to order
The Tuckshop is open every Friday. Lunch orders are made online through Flexischools.com.au, a Tuckshop Menu can be viewed through this app.
Helping in the tuckshop
Our Tuckshop is run with the help of many parents and is managed by Meg Ferrie. Through a roster basis parents offer to help the Tuckshop.