Students are exposed to many new forms of communication that have arisen within the past ten years. Using these to communicate has many rewards but is not without risk. Educating students about safe behaviour and practices will skill them to be able to make greater use of these resources by exposing themselves to less risk.
Vision Statement
We believe in developing a strong sense of community through the relationship between parish, families and staff.
We believe that learning beings in the home, is furthered and enhanced by the school and nurtured by the parish community.
We believe in the value of each person being a gift from God to be respected and celebrated.
We believe our school provides a sense of hope by being a positive and child safe place where children are happy and secure in their learning.
Basic Beliefs
This policy is in support of the Internet usage Policy detailing resource use at St Liborius.
Technological change in education, particularly in how our students receive, interact with and respond to the learning experience means we are facing the largest transformation that the teaching profession has ever seen. Teachers, students and parents are increasingly using digital technologies to teach, learn and communicate, challenging the traditional concept of a school. Schools and early childhood settings are now broader than the walls of a classroom. Schools need to assist students to develop the skills required for critical evaluation, online collaboration and communication and behaviours which support the safe, responsible and ethical use of digital technology – essential to participating in life and work in the 21st century.
What is cybersafety?
Cybersafety is addressing issues that may impact the well-being and safety of students in the online world.
It encompasses several areas, including cyberbullying, though is not solely limited to this aspect of online behaviour.
Cyberbullying is direct verbal or indirect bullying behaviours using digital technologies. This includes harassment via a mobile phone, setting up a defamatory personal website or deliberately excluding someone from social networking spaces.
The aim is to address these common cybersafety issues:
● Unwanted contact
● Protecting computers: e-security
● Protecting personal information
● Inappropriate content
● Excessive Internet use
Detailed information regarding each aspect outlined above is available at
All students must agree to an acceptable use policy before access to online resources is granted at St. Liborius
● Access to online resources is through filtered providers and specific categories of content are blocked at the school level. This prevents many of the above issues arising using school based resources
● Specific teaching of these issues through online resources and activities to raise awareness of these in a context familiar with the students.
● Use of Government approved activities available at https://www.esafety.gov.au/
Action plan to utilise resources for educators available on the eSafety Commissioner’s site https://www.esafety.gov.au/
● Audit existing cyber related policies
● Develop and/or review and ratify acceptable copyright, internet usage and cyber safety policies
● implementation of ikeepsafe learning and teaching strategies
Online resource that details many aspects of being safe online. Includes resources for schools, staff, parents and students with age specific actvities for different year levels.
The Centre for Safe and Responsible Internet Use has developed a new framework for addressing these issues under the overall concept of Cyber Savvy Schools. Resources and links are provided for educators.